Harrisburg is her city of origin, she now calls Pittsburgh her home, sitting down to discuss her new role in the highly anticipated Werewolf film, Wolf Hollow, is the talented Jess Uhler. The extremely in demand artist will also be featured in the upcoming productions: “Redneck Ghost,” “Look” and “Godless Children.”

HN: What is your favorite Werewolf film?
JU: I don’t have a favorite werewolf film per say, but I have two examples of my favorite transformations. The absolute classic scene in An American Werewolf In London. The agony David portrays as he becomes a Werewolf for the first time along with the effects. My god!
On the flip side, I adore the Werewolves in Trick ‘r Treat. It had an empowering feeling to it as Laurie discovered her confidence and embraced who she was.
HN: If you could play any role, from any horror film, from anytime. Which role would you love to play?
JU: I know Fatal Attraction is billed as a psychological thriller but to me, it’s horror because it could and most definitely has happened thus making it absolutely terrifying. Glenn Close’s character Alex is a role I would have LOVED to tackle.
HN: The Werewolf designs are fantastic in Wolf Hollow. What was it like to be on set with those beasts?
JU: It was really awesome to see the creatures come to life. I remember getting a sneak peek from our promo shoots but there’s nothing like that large monster in person. I think I put my foot next to one of the suit’s feet and was reminded how incredibly tiny I am.
HN: You play the role of Beth. Beth is a bit of a maniacal director. Have you worked with any directors like this before? Or did you pull your performance from any particular method?
JU: Ah, Beth Dunham. I personally have not worked with any directors like this. She’s just passionate, ya know? I tapped into some of my worst traits, if I’m being honest. I’m an only child, definitely spoiled and as a child I would get what I wanted. I went into complete brat mode at certain parts in Wolf Hollow, where it’s my way or get the hell off my set. When I would leave set for the day, the drive home was my decompression time to remind myself I’m not that person and to become Jess again. I did enjoy my heel turn though!
HN: If Beth Dunham had a quote to live by what would it be?
JU: Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do.
Keep up with this talented performer on IMDB or her Instagram FerrisUhler55