By David Owain Hughes
Director: John Lechago
Writers: Brockton McKinney, Neal Marshall Stevens
Stars: Tania Fox, Vincent Cusimano, and Griffin Blazi
Run Time: 70 minutes
Kill! All! Nazis…!
In 1945 a psychic war journalist, Elisa (Tania Fox), gains a telekinetic link to a murderous puppet and uses its help to sabotage a top-secret Nazi experiment that involves using a Death Ray to transform people into zombies.
The German War Machine might on its last legs, the fight almost knocked of it, but that is not going to stop the Nazis hidden in American from trying to cause death and destructions, especially the murky Dr Hauser (Roy Abramsohn)—a heinous, murdering scientist from Blade’s past—who will stop at nothing to bring an undead army to life.
However, the evil Dr Hauser meets his match in Elisa, who teams up with the vicious Blade—Toulan’s deadliest and most infamous of puppets—and his grand plans of reanimating the dead are placed in jeopardy as the bodies stack up…
The plot to Blade: Iron Cross might sound like a storyline from a James Bond movie tripping on acid, but that is the beauty of the genre; horror should be zany, weird, and wild, and this flick hammers that point home. Much like the rest of the Puppet Master movies, the puppeteering in this outing is awesome and Blade looks as badass as ever.

Funds may have been a wee bit tight on this production, but that does not get in the way of Blade: Iron Cross from being a blast of a film. A lot of low-budget horror flicks have gone on to be absolute cult classics and gleaming gems, such as Night of the Living Dead, and Blade: Iron Cross, along with the rest of the Puppet films, will hold a special place in the heart of Full-Moon and horror aficionados alike.
The outrageous script and gratuitous, hack’N’slash violence, is supported by a strong cast of actors, and the gorgeous Tania Fox knocks it out of the park as the feisty war journalist, Elisa.
Blade: Iron Cross is currently streaming on a variety of platforms, or, if you are a completist, then you can purchase a copy of the DVD/Blu Ray from off multiple online vendors, including Amazon UK/US.