By David Owain Hughes
About Debbie D:
The Singer: Debbie started her career as a singer/songwriter, but always dabbled in acting and modeling. While in her school years, she was the lead singer for many bands. She sang with several bands that toured up and down the east coast. Debbie D made her first record called “I Want You In My Life” which has sold in many countries all around the world. She has been written up in Billboard magazine as “having a sweet voice”. Debbie worked for the Disney cruise line as a singer and she continues to write songs.
The Actress: While having her pictures taken for her record cover, photographer Bill Arthur liked her look and put her photo in a trade model magazine. Falcon Video, Ltd. of New York, responded to her photo and asked her to appear in their horror film, which turned into three more films with them. She has since made literally hundreds of films and videos with numerous production film companies all over the country. Her willingness to attempt almost any part is a great attribute of her talents. Debbie has also made a few of her own directed and produced videos and offers custom video work as well.
The Model: Many photographers have photographed Debbie D for various products which included her hair, her hands, her face, and her Bikini body. Debbie D loves to keep in physical shape, and she does so by attending aerobic and power step classes at least twice a week. Debbie D maintains a petite, yet very athletic body. Underwater modeling is her favorite modeling. Making good images in all areas of modeling is most important to her. Creativity is the key. Designing clothing and modeling go hand and hand with Debbie.

1) Hey Debbie, from the above intro (which can be found on Debbie’s website –, you seem like an incredibly busy lady, so we will keep this brief. How do you find the time to juggle everything?
I used to work non-stop with only a week off a year but found after 20 years straight that wasn’t very healthy for a person mentally. This was back in the day when you only had landline phones and snail mail to reach anybody. After I got off the ground, I was finally able to take time off weeks here and there. This helps with reflecting and refreshing creative juices. Which always seems to keep flowing.
2) From the careers above, singing, acting, and modelling, which is/has been your favourite over the years?
I would have to say out of singing modeling and acting – Acting is my favorite.
Even though I enjoy belting a tune and striking a pose it’s in acting when I become.
3) Have you always made a living from entertainment, full-time, or have you had to support your creativity with other work?
So far knock on wood I have been able to support myself with my creative adventures by being self-employed.
4) When it comes to movies, do you prefer to be in front or behind the camera? Is there a director you would love to work with? Is there an actor you would love to direct?
I love being in front of the camera portraying the character but I also love writing and directing so I’ll continue to do all three. As directors go, I would love to work with Woody Allen – M. Knight Shyamalan – Guy Richie – Ron Harold. I’d give them another hit movie. I would like to try my hand at directing Madonna
5) Your short film Bomb Threats (which appears in the anthology Doomsday Stories), was written by you, correct? Did you find it odd staring in your own flick, or did it come naturally? Can you tell us a bit about this, please?
I’ve known Philip Herman for decades and we’ve filmed so much over the years.
He mentioned he needed one shorter for his then project which is now known as Doomsday Stories and I volunteered. He said I could write whatever I felt like as long as it involved an end-of-a-world topic. It took all of 20 mins for me to write Bomb threats. When I sat down to write I didn’t think I would actually finish it on the spot but it just flowed. Then a few weeks later Phil informed me that each short needed to have the words Virus meanies mentioned in it at least once. So, I went back to my script and found the absolute perfect spot to insert it and again it flowed as if it was written there all along. Phil wanted me in the short so it was only natural for me to be the star. It won’t be the last time by a long shot that I’ll star in my own writings.
In Bomb Threats, I story told. I’ll be writing for Phil’s next project as well.
6) In the anthology Horror Tales 666 you bare flesh in your segment – did you find this an issue? Have you done nude modelling?
I knew going into the B indie horror genre of filmmaking that it meant to give of myself completely to portray my art and I’m fine with that. I’ve done plenty of nude modeling in my day.
7) Do you classify yourself as a Scream Queen? Have Scream Queens of the past or present inspired you?
I am an actress known as a scream queen- I have met scream queens past and present and have made friends with quite a few over the decades. We have helped each other and it’s been wonderful!!
Thanks for your time.