When a cast features horror icons Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, Tony Todd, Angus Scrimm, and Bill Moseley, you know expectations will be high. From award winning writer/director Joe Hollow comes an all-star supernatural fantasy horrorfest in The Devil’s Disciples. Will this talented cast be able to provide the Horror Nation another classic with a new take on old biblical lore?
A high council of Lucifer’s minions are summoned for an emergency meeting. Another powerful fallen angel has a descendent that threatens the natural order of the spiritual realm. A missing amulet with immortal power, ancient friends and foes reuniting to continue the immortal game of good and evil, and dark secrets from the past all must be put together in order to stop this rising force. Within each tale lies answers that will determine the fate of those above and below.

The Devil’s Disciples is a refreshing effort filled with new legend and lore. Horror fans will adore the screen time from Todd and Scrimm, while enjoying a terrific performance from Quigley. The rest of the cast shows passion throughout the eighty-two-minute run time. Director Hollow shoots a clean piece which is littered with blood, sinister dialogue, and plenty of eye candy. What is great about this film is also its downtick. While the original plot is intriguing, the third act becomes choppy. It is a hard thing to please an audience that always wants either more characters or less. The Devil’s Disciples definitely needed less. Each character introduction jumbles an already intricate plot, often confusing the audience. A great finale does tie the film together, but a more linear path to the conclusion may have played better. Writer/Director Joe Hollow does the primary function of any film. That is to entertain. The Devil’s Disciples is a very entertaining film that combines legends of the genre with a fresh idea that captures the imagination of the audience.
Scream Score: 7.8/10