When the Godfather of Gore, Herschell Gordon Lewis, introduces a film, the viewer knows that they are in for a bloodbath. Such was the intro to the 2017 film, Killer Campout. Recognized for their old school no holds barred filmmaking, the team at Fuzzy Monkey Films delivered an entertaining throwback massacre that left horror fans bloodthirsty for more. The cries for more carnage have been met as director Brad Twigg and writer Jon Killough bring a whole new group of friends to frolic in the woods, while fan favorites from the original film return in gore filled glory.
A trio heads deep into the legendary forest to dig up the corpse of famous psycho slasher Gene Blackwell. Immediately, Blackwell begins to cut his way through the woods, sending him right into the path of a group of troubled young adults that are attempting to rehabilitate their lives. As the group at Camp Phoenix begins to disappear one by one, the remaining members realize that they must flee the forest before they are dismembered. A race for survival ensues while the sinister legacy of Gene Blackwell and the hordes from his past unveil their ultimate motive.

Killer Campout 2 does everything that a horror sequel needs to do to become successful. The creative kills, fleshed out plot, and great performances not only pay homage to the original, but amp up the action in this sensational sequel. Twigg sticks to the formula that has gained a legion of indie fans by mixing up killer deaths along with slapstick comedy while presenting a clean, quickly paced film. Far too often many sequel scribes try too hard to reinvent a franchise, writer Jon Killough plays the plot perfectly by never straying too far away from the simplistic style of the original film as well as bringing new lore to the legacy. The indie cast of this film can easily be mistaken for studio quality. Shifting comfortably from dreadful fear to vaudeville laughs through the entire run time. Chanda Rawlings (Bloody Summer Camp,) Morrigan Thompson (XXX-mas,) and Brucellious Morris Jr. (Shriekshow,) fill the screen with fantastic scenes that will have audiences replaying the film over and over. Kay Leahy (Bloody Summer Camp,) and Justin P. Martin (Crackcoon) drive the narrative with dramatic tone which balances out the slapstick comedy that horror fans love to see in their slashers. Fuzzy Monkey staples Nicholas Yoder II (Shriekshow,) Chris Rhydings (Murdercise,) and Rick Jermain (Her Name was Christa) show off their experience with memorable appearances. Michael McGlynn (Shriekshow) and DeRome Chretien (10/31: Part 3) split duties portraying Blackwell, both talented actors put in foreboding performances that would make Steve Dash proud. Killer Campout 2 continues a legacy of the kind of horror films that made a generation fall in love with the genre. After a wide release, there will be no doubt that horror hounds will be barking for a third installment.
Scream Score: 8.2/10