A writer going into seclusion to concentrate and find inspiration is nothing new to the horror genre, made famous by Stephen King’s immortal classic, Misery. Writer/Director Joe Hollow attempts to put his take on this subgenre with his psychological horror trip, Flesh of the Unforgiven. With horror icon Debbie Rochon and Canadian Scream Queen August Kyss in the cast, expectations will be high for this terror trip into the dark void of the human psyche.
Novelist Jack Russo (Joe Hollow) is suffering. Suffering through the downfall of a marriage as well as suffering through a tremendous bout of writer’s block. Along with his wife Sienna (Debbie Rochon,) the two travel to their remote cabin to repair their marriage and get Jack back on track. When Jack receives a VHS tape that he believes is sent for inspiration, the troubled scribe begins to descend into a darkness where the lines between the real and imaginary become blurred. Dealing with her own demons, Sienna also spirals into a world of mind-altering mayhem. Attempting to recover from a life-altering tragedy, Vivenne (August Kyss) struggles to find a reason to stay alive. Unknowingly, this trio becomes entangled in a gruesome game where the one dealing out the cards is none other than the Death Dealer.

Flesh of the Unforgiven is a wild ride through the dark side. Joe Hollow writes, directs, and stars with tremendous professionalism. The script is a dramatic take on the downtick of emotions. Hollow’s direction presents a clean film that is littered with both slick effects and great shot selection. Rochon brings her massive experience throughout the run time with great range that builds empathy and terror. Kyss bounces from a devastated mother to sultry vixen with an award-winning performance. Horror fans will enjoy some sinister set pieces, while those who enjoy a darker spiritual adventure will appreciate the trek into the abyss. Flesh of the Unforgiven is the first film in an upcoming series, the Horror-Nation will be eagerly awaiting with pitchforks in hand for the follow up.