Written by: Ryan Dailey
Don’t Fuck In The Woods 2 Feels like every late night horror movie Cinemax ever showed during the eighties and early nineties. Corn syrup soaked breasts and awkward feined sex is the name of the game in this cinematic romp. This is not a bad thing in the least. DFITW 2 knows what it is and never once tries to be what it is not.
The sole survivor from the first film, Nicole (Julie Ann Prescott) is lost in the woods surrounding this film’s cast of victims.
Shawn Burkett and Cheyenne Gordon deliver an enjoyable movie full of nudity, gore and sex slugs. What it lacks in plot, it makes up for in fun. The cast clearly had a great time playing their respectable roles.

DFITW 2 invites the viewer to turn off their minds and just have fun, something that most filmmakers refuse to do in recent times. It harkens back to simpler times in horror cinema, one when blood-spattered, bikini-clad females brandish an ax on the cover of a VHS tape sitting on the shelf of the local video store. The film plays out like an Evil Dead era Sam Raimi’s wet dream.
The film will not force political ideas or any kind of agenda down the collective throat of the audience. It will not leave the viewer wrestling with an existential crisis or leave them struggling to connect the dots of convoluted allegory. It will leave the viewer with a smile, having spent their time being entertained
DFITW 2 is available to rent or buy on various digital platforms.