Before the age where every fan had a forum and horror films were dissected to death, the genre enjoyed an age where audiences could just sit back and have fun. The indie scene has seen a renaissance return to the golden age of popcorn horror. Films such as: Don’t F**K In The Woods and Attack Of The Unknown have springboarded indie directors careers. Look no further than the international success of the Terrifier films, and anyone can see that there is still a craving for simplistic good-time horror, which has countered the modern trend of high-brow horror.
Director Ken Brewer has gifted the Horror Nation with films that resemble works that made fans fall in love with the genre. Quick paced shot selection, eloquently simple plots, and littered with great kills. Mr. Brewer’s films represent everything that is fun about indie horror. Here is a synopsis of his latest film, Death Park: The End.

Death Park: The End
A large public park has been the unfortunate host of a series of brutal murders. Survivors return to the park seeking revenge. Journalists visit in a desperate attempt to cash in on the carnage. And everyone from voyeuristic photographers looking for a sultry scenic place to shoot, to random citizens setting out for a brisk walk in the park, end up becoming part of the dark legacy that haunts the area.
Director Brewer does a great job entertaining audiences with this nonstop slaughter fest. Working on an indie budget, the creative artist pulls off some very good original kills. No one will get an Oscar nod from this production, but the cast deliver a professional outing that keeps the plot moving. Brewer takes us back to yesteryear with good ole fashion blood, boobs, and body counts.
(DEATH PARK: The End is streaming on Tubi)