Some of the best directors in the genre have called England their home. Icons such as Neil Marshall and Clive Barker have entertained fear fans for decades. Hoping to follow in his countrymen’s footsteps is award winning director, Dean Midas. From Haddonfield to County Durham, this talented artist credits the original Halloween for inspiring him to pursue a career in horror. The Horror Nation got a glimpse of Mr. Midas talent with his new short film, The Devil’s Stone. With several awards under his belt, including the 2023 North East director of the year, the in-demand director will be releasing two new films in 2024. The Devil’s Stone 2 and an Eve Valentine prequel.
Horror-Nation got the opportunity to ask Mr. Midas a few questions before he embarks on his new projects.

HN: What do you feel are the biggest differences between American and British horror?
DM: They are both amazing and I don’t think there is much between them. I would say some British horror is in your face and takes you on a dark, scary journey. Films such as Eden Lake, Dog Soldiers, and Severance.
HN: What is your favorite sub-genre?
DM: I really like supernatural films. The unknown is scarier and leaves the audience on edge.
HN: If you could remake any horror film, what film would you love to tackle?
DM: I really like the 1981 television film, Dark Night of the Scarecrow. I would love to do a big screen version of that film.
HN: If you could pick any performer, from any time period to be in one of your films, who would you love to direct?
DM: I would love to work with Neve Campbell. In my opinion, she is the ultimate scream queen. With her priceless experience, she wouldn’t take much directing and that would make my job on set, much easier.
(The Devil’s Stone is now streaming on YouTube)