Written by: Ryan Dailey
Ironically, a Brand New Cherry flavor is just what I need to cleanse my palette after watching Malignant. Brand New Cherry Flavor is a breath of fresh air yet, is coming out of a place of familiarity. As the audience follows Lisa (Rosa Salazar) through the story, one cannot help but be reminded of David Cronenberg and David Lynch.
Things become very Twin Peaks or Lost Highway as Lisa travels to the west coast to meet up with a past-his-prime producer (Eric Lange) regarding making her student film into a bigger budget production.

In true Harvey Weinstein fashion, the producer turns out to be a sexual predator, stealing Lisa’s movie when she ignores his advances. Lisa, seeking revenge for her stolen film, is found by a witch, played by Catherine Keener, who offers her services to young Lisa.
Lisa accepts and only has to vomit up live kittens as payment. Yes. Vomit live kittens. Now, Lisa does ask for an alternate method of kitten delivery, which does not fare her any better. Like most of this series, dear reader, you will just have to see it for yourselves.
The acting is top notch. Salazar plays her role as somehow jaded and hopeful at the same time. When you are supposed to love her, you love her and when you are supposed to hate her, you really do. Boro, the witch played by Keener, downplays her role, and not in a bad way. She plays her role in such a way that one believes she is a witch, and one that has been a witch for a long, long time. Keener plays her character with total control.
Brand New Cherry Flavor is on Netflix currently as a limited series. This series is highly recommended for lovers of the surreal and classic, well-done body horror.