Lets talk about creepy dolls…..

The story of Brahms the doll part 2 starts off with a family of four living in England. The family moves to the country due to a tragedy within the family. Upon arrival to the country home, young Jude stumbles across a dirty and dilapidated doll. Jude’s mother Liza cleans the doll and it’s introduced within the family. That’s when everything falls apart and the once close family unit is torn apart by Brahms the doll. But, is it really the doll or is it something more malicious?

Brahms the doll is comparable to modern day horror flick dolls when it comes to possessed creepy antiques dolls with killer eyes. The cast includes Katie Holmes in her movie debut from a long break in the horror movie industry. Katie Holmes was dramatic and used her character to her advantage. Honestly, this movie was casted perfectly. Christopher Convery (Jude) was a prodigious and believable character. At one point you can be tricked into thinking that he is Brahms the doll.

This film was spine chilling and had its jumpy moments. When the camera got close to Brahms the dolls eyes, it sends a sinister feeling through your body.

The practical effects were generic. With a big budget film, I expected a little better executed effects. The CGI used was cartoony and distasteful. The story line was drawn out and a bore. All though the ending does answer a lot of questions pertaining to the first film. If you’re waiting for a “wow” factor at the end, don’t hold your breath. We give Brahms: The Doll II 2.5/5 skulls.

Ok you need to watch Enola Holmes! Have you seen it yet? It’s on Netflix. I just absolutely love Millie Bobby Brown! I thought she was great in Stranger Things as well. Did you?