From Jaws to Grizzly, animals gone wild films have entertained horror fans for decades. Those seemingly cute exotic creatures that roam the earth and sea that humans view on television sets and zoos become monstrous bloodthirsty creatures in the wild, giving...


   Childhood trauma has long been a staple for plots in horror films. Deep seeded psychological damage from the past has spurned countless genre works from Psycho to Friday the 13th. In her feature film directorial debut, Nicole Cinaglia attempts to put...
First Omen Review

First Omen Review

Written by: Ryan Dailey The Omen, directed by Richard Donner in 1976 is a bonafide horror must see. It is essentially required viewing for any fan of the genre, much like The Exorcist. The original film still holds up today and set a bar for horror cinema.  And...
Destroy All Neighbors Review

Destroy All Neighbors Review

Written by: Ryan Dailey Once upon a time, in a world before virtue signaling, woke ideologies and incessant pandering to the audience, the horror nation was full of films that were unapologetic and delivered dark comedy via spectacular practical effects and relatable...

Wonder Con 2024 Featuring Chucky Cast By Mike Lera

More powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, Wonder Con 2024 swung into action once again at the Anaheim Convention Center (Anaheim, CA) March 29-31, catering to the legions of comic book fans and offering tons of cool, pop...
Stopmotion Review

Stopmotion Review

Written by: Ryan Dailey The horror nation lives in a time where if it is not a reboot, prequel or a gender/ race swapped twisted version of a bonafide classic, the film will either A: not get made or B: not be welcomed or viewed as it is not being “palettable.”...