Broken Innocence Film Review

Broken Innocence Film Review

Written by: Ryam Dailey Some topics are hard to tastefully tackle, especially in the realm of the “thriller,” or, “horror” movie genres. Broken Innocence manages to handle the subject of incest and sexual abuse in a respectful manner by not pushing the envelope in...

Lollipop Chainsaw RePop Review

Written by: Ryan Dailey The name James Gunn is synonymous with Films such as Slither, The Suicide Squad and The Guardians of The Galaxy trilogy. To a certain sect of the horror nation, their first exposure to Gunn was probably 2012’s Lollipop Chainsaw, which 2024’s...
The Director’s Cut Review

The Director’s Cut Review

Written by: Ryan Dailey If Scooby Doo met Half-Baked and had a child raised by Club Dread,its name would be The Director’s Cut.  The Director’s Cut is a film by Steven Aripez airing on Tubi as of the time of this writing. The film focuses on a group of friends as...
Macabre Productions Review

Macabre Productions Review

Written by: Ryan Dailey Static is proof positive that one does not need star-power, huge budget and fancy effects to provide an engaging narrative and a quality piece of cinema. Under the Macabre Productions umbrella, Static, directed by Anna Hammill and stars Shirley...
The Casting of Frank Stone Game Review

The Casting of Frank Stone Game Review

Written by: Ryan Dailey Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical game of hide and seek/freeze tag in which a killer, both original and licensed, stalks survivors, again, original and licensed, as they scramble to repair generators to power an exit gate. The survivors...